If a customer doesn't reply to a teammate within a set period, you can automatically prompt them for a response and close the conversation if necessary. This simple yet powerful workflow template will help keep a clear inbox, enhance your team's efficiency and ensure more accurate resolution metrics.
Just head to Automation, select + New workflow and choose the template: Follow up with inactive customers.
Select Use this template and then set how long to wait for a customer reply before launching the workflow.
The default wait period is 3 days, but a longer or shorter time might be more suitable for your business and customers.
Then set the channel(s) you want your workflow to function on.
You can select from Intercom's broad range of channels including Web (Messenger), your iOS or Android app, email, SMS, and social media, ensuring a great experience no matter how your customers contact you.
It's a good idea to start small (e.g. on Web) and expand to other channels once you're sure your workflow is working effectively. You can always adjust your channel settings later by selecting the workflow trigger.
Note: Some workflow steps may not be available on all channels or may behave differently. You can read more about this here.
You can always adjust the wait period or channels settings later by selecting the trigger in your workflow once you've created it.
When you hit Save and close, you'll find your workflow draft is ready for customization.
If a customer is unresponsive to a teammate message after the time period you set, they will receive the first default message, Just checking if you are still there. Let us know if you need any help! You can edit this message to reflect your company's unique tone of voice.
Next, the template includes an action to add a conversation tag, useful for finding and reporting on conversations that are soon to be auto-closed.
Then the workflow will snooze the conversation for one day to give the customer time to respond to the message if they wish to. You can adjust the snooze period as necessary.
When the snooze period expires, a final message (which you can customize) will be sent, informing the customer that the conversation will be closed. Another conversation tag can be applied here for reporting purposes, so we can accurately track how many conversations are being closed by this workflow. Then, the action to finally close out the conversation takes place.
This template includes a CSAT survey at this point, giving the customer the opportunity to provide feedback if they do return to the closed conversation. You may choose to remove the survey from this workflow so that this metric only reflects manually closed conversations.
When you're happy with your adjustments to this workflow, don't forget to set it live.
Easy as pie. Automating simple but time-consuming tasks like these is what Workflows does best, freeing up your team to focus on what they do best – solving complex issues and delivering excellent customer service.
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