With Articles Views, you can create and save custom filtered views of your articles, each tailored to your specific needs and workflows.
Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, Articles Views can help you streamline your workflows and boost productivity. With the ability to create custom filters based on tags, collections, status, and more.
For example:
Organize your articles based on the features or products they relate to by creating views filtered using article tags and collections.
Highlight articles that need refreshing or updating by displaying the 'Last edited' column and reordering the list to see the oldest edits first.
Monitor articles that need publishing or translating by creating a view that filters articles by their status.
See all articles from the same Help Center by creating a view that filters articles by the Help Center they belong to.
Article Views are shared across all teammates so every teammate will be able to see them, and when removed, they will be removed for all.
Creating and saving views
From a preset article view such as All articles you can customize the Display columns and then click Save View.
Columns can be saved to a view but will revert to the default order upon saving.
Or select + Add filter and filter a preset article view by Language, Collection, Status, or Tag and then click Save View. For example, we have filtered this preset view by 'Tag is Team management'.
Give this view a custom name and icon and then click Save as new View.
Each Article View is visible to all teammates and can be found in the Articles sidebar. When clicked on, it will load that specific view with its configured filters and columns as a list of articles.
Deleting views
If you no longer need an Article View, simply hover over it in the sidebar and click the menu, then select Delete.
After completing the deletion, this view will be removed for all teammates.
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