Use the dedicated tickets report to visualize and explore your team’s ticket handling. This is great for viewing ticket volume and predicting coverage needed for each ticket type you’ve created.
Tickets report
To find your tickets report, head to Reports > Human support > Tickets.
The report covers these metrics
Median time to resolve
The median time for a ticket to go from “Submitted” to last “Resolved”, within the date range.
Median time in submitted
The median time a ticket has spent in the “Submitted” state, within the date range.
Median time in progress
The median time a ticket has spent in the “In progress” state, within the date range. If a ticket has been in the state more than once, the sum of that time is used.
Median time in waiting for customer
The median time a ticket has spent in the “Waiting on customer” state, within the date range. If a ticket has been in the state more than once, the sum of that time is used.
Median time to resolve by date
The median time for a ticket to go from “Submitted” to last “Resolved”, within the date range.
Median time to resolve by team
The median time for a ticket to go from “Submitted” to last “Resolved”, within the date range. Tickets are attributed to the last assigned team.
Median time to resolve by teammate
The median time for a ticket to go from “Submitted” to last “Resolved”, within the date range. Tickets are attributed to the last assigned teammate.
New tickets
The number of new tickets created within the date range.
Resolved tickets
The number of tickets resolved within the date range, and remain resolved.
New vs resolved tickets by week
The number of new tickets created vs. resolved tickets (and remain resolved) within the date range.
Ticket volume by assigned team
The number of tickets assigned to each team. Tickets are attributed to the last assigned team.
The number of new tickets created within the date range.
The number of tickets resolved within the date range, and remained resolved.
Ticket volume by assigned teammate
The number of new tickets created within the date range
The number of tickets resolved within the date range, and remain resolved.
Important: Ticket metrics do not currently take office hours into account.
Applying filters
Take a deeper dive into your tickets report by using the toolbar at the top of the screen to specify a date range, select a ticket type, or filter by a specific data attribute:
You can add multiple filters for more granular reporting.
The participation by team/teammate filters only counts human visible parts only. This means when a teammate posts a note it doesn’t count towards participation within the ticket.
Custom reports
You can also create your own custom report with ticket data.
The following ticket metrics can be used to create charts:
New ticket volume.
Resolve ticket volume.
Ticket time to resolve.
Ticket time to submitted.
Ticket time in progress.
Ticket time in waiting on customer.
Ticket metrics leverage the same filters and chart types as other metrics in Custom Reports and you can also filter by “Ticket type”:
Learn how to export your tickets data as a CSV for further data analysis.
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